
发布时间:2021-11-07 21:02:01 访问:

1、Cu transport and distribution in different cellular fractions of Klebsiella oxytoca strain CAV 1374 J HAZARD MATER(419卷126416-1-10页) 2021-06
2、Copper removal from semiconductor CMP wastewater in the presence of nano-SiO2 through biosorption WATER REUSE(11卷2期289-300页) 2021-06
3、Enhanced Photocatalytic Water Decontamination by Micro-Nano Bubbles: Measurements and Mechanisms ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL(55卷10期7025-7033页) 2021-05
4、“双一流”学科建设背景下物理性污染控制课程的教学模式改革与探索 科教文汇(2021卷11期100-101页) 2021-04
5、Fabrication of ordered mesoporous POMs/SiO2–NH2 nanofibers for production of DFF from 5-HMF for cellulose wastewater resource recovery CHEMOSPHERE(277卷130316-1-10页) 2021-03
6、An integrated approach using ozone nanobubble and cyclodextrin inclusion complexation to enhance the removal of micropollutants WATER RES(196卷117039-1-9页) 2021-03
7、Optical density inferences in aqueous solution with embedded micro/nano bubbles: A reminder for the emerging green bubble cleantech J CLEAN PROD(294卷126258-1-9页) 2021-02
8、Evolution of dissolved organic matter during artificial groundwater recharge with effluent from underutilized WWTP and the resulting facilitated transport effect ENVIRON RES(193卷110527-1-9页) 2021-02