2014.09 – 2017.07 研究生 博士学位 吉林大学 环境工程专业
2012.09 – 2014.08 研究生 硕士学位 吉林大学 环境工程专业
2008.09 – 2012.07 本科 学士学位 吉林大学 环境工程专业
1. 环境纳米材料制备
1.面向大气环境气态污染物检测的高性能金属氧化物气体传感器 二等奖(2023年),排名第四
1.吉林省教育厅项目:“CO2地质封存过程中Citrobacter freundii固碳菌种的生物地球化学影响研究”,2020.01-2021.12,主持。
1. Chenyang Li, Chongbin Zhang, Shuang Zhong, Jing Duan, Ming Li* ,The removal of pollutants from wastewater using biochar:scientometric and visualization analysis[J]. Molecules, 2023, 28, 5840(SCI收录,影响因子4.1,中科院二区)
2. Mengnan Shen, Yi Hu, Ke Zhao, Binshuo Liu, Ming Li,Xiaodan Bu,Chenyang Li*,Effects of dissolved organic matter, pH and nutrient on ciprofloxac in bioaccumulation and toxicity in duckweed[J]. Aquatic Toxicology, 266 (2024) 106775.(SCI收录,影响因子4.0,中科院一区)
3. Ming Li, Xiang Jia, Liang Wang, Guangyao Gao, Xuefu Feng, and Chenyang Li *,Research on modified carbon nanotubes in wastewater treatment[J].Catalysts, 2022, 12(10), 1103.(SCI收录,影响因子4.5,中科院三区)
4. Li C , Song Y , Zhu Y , et al. Impacts of NO2 Impurities on the Indigenous Microbial Community Structure and Diversity in CO2 -Saline-Sandstone Interaction System[J]. Sustainability, 2021, 13. (SCI收录,影响因子3.251,中科院三区)
5. Li, C., et al., Performance of Ag/BiOBr/GO composite photocatalyst for visible-light-driven dye pollutants degradation. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020. 9(1): p. 610-621. (SCI收录,影响因子5.289中科院双一区)
6. Zhong, S., Wang, X., Wang, Y., Zhou, F., Li, J., Liang, S., Li, C*. 2020. Preparation of Y3+-doped BiOCl photocatalyst and its enhancing effect on degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride wastewater. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 843, 155598. (SCI收录,影响因子5.316,中科院一区)
7. Zhong S., Lv C., Shen M., Wu L., Li C*., Synthesis of Bi2WO6 photocatalyst modified by SDBS and photocatalytic performance under visible light [J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 30 (4): 4152-63. (SCI收录,影响因子2.22,中科院三区)
8. Fengjun Zhang, Yunpeng Song, Kai Fan, Chenyang Li*, Impact of microorganisms on the mineral interaction in scCO2-saline-sandstone system [J]. China Environmental Science. 2019 (In Chinese, EI Index)
9. Chenyang Li,Shuang Zhong, Fengjun Zhang, Wang Zhi, Jiang Fuhuan, Wan Yuyu*, Response of microbial communities to supercritical CO2 and biogeochemical influences on microbially mediated CO2-saline-sandstone interactions[J]. Chemical geology, 2017.473:1-9. (SCI收录,影响因子3.569,中科院二区)
10. Distribution of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Their Association with Microbes in Wastewater Treatment Plants: A Metagenomics Analysis[J]. Water,2023.06(SCI收录,影响因子4.1,中科院二区)
1. 李晨阳,一种齿轮状金纳米颗粒的合成方法,中国发明专利,2021.03.01,ZL 202110004261.0